10 Commandments Summary

I wrote “The Ten Commandments to a Proper Web Page” originally published in 1994.  We are now up to version 8.0, published July 2012.  This became the “WebMasters Bible” by 1996 and most developers are familiar with the principles, whether they have actually read the book or not.

The quick summary of the ten commandment follows:

  1. Thou Shalt know and apply Home Page rules,
  2. Thou Shalt abide by the “Less is More” (KISS) principle,
  3. Thou Shalt know and properly implement aesthetics principles,
  4. Thou Shalt know and target thy customer,
  5. Thou shalt not use gimmicks (flash, animation, non-standard tags, scripts),
  6. Thou shalt know and apply proper stickiness principles,
  7. Thou shalt know and apply proper ranking (SEO, content, linking) principles,
  8. Thou shalt know and avoid web-design/coding errors,
  9. Thou shalt know and apply proper security principles,
  10. Thou shalt know and apply proper testing principles.

The complete document is available for $75.00, Please email to:

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